
Harriet Whitney Frishmuth's early 20th century sculptures combined a classical style with a modern idealized form that presaged the Art Deco movement. This collection includes many of her most popular and rarest works (I believe it is the second finest collection in private hands), as well as some pieces by James Earle Fraser, Demeter Chiparus, Augustus Saint-Gaudens and several others of similar style.

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Item Artist Medium Category
Mantle clock with nude female figures on opposite sides - possibly unique - Not for sale at any price. (Item 01212)
Frishmuth, Harriet W. bronze Sculpture
"Wolfhounds" - statue was used as part of collaboration with Harriet Frishmuth's sculpture of Diana astride the hounds which was pie titled "The Hunt...
Karl Illava & Harriet Frishmuth bronze Sculpture
AN AMERICAN BRONZE GARDEN SUNDIAL AND CORRESPONDING HOUR PLAQUES (7" diameter each). Tiffany Studios, Corona, New York, 1920s. The central sundial cir...
Tiffany bronze Sculpture
"Descending Night" - circa 1915 (Item 14568)
Weinman, Adolph bronze Sculpture
"Humoresque" - circa 1924 (Item 14569)
Frishmuth, Harriet bronze Sculpture
"Joy of the Waters" - circa 1917 (Item 14570)
Frishmuth, Harriet bronze Sculpture
"Playdays" - 1925 (Item 01505)
Frishmuth, Harriet W. bronze Sculpture
"Crest of the Wave" - 1925 fountain size (Item 01527)
Frishmuth, Harriet W. bronze Sculpture
"Crest of the Wave" - 1925 fountain piece (Item 01528)
Frishmuth, Harriet W. bronze Sculpture
"Morning" from "The Moods of Time" series - circa 1938. (Item 01537)
Manship, Paul bronze Sculpture
"Night" from "The Moods of Time" series - circa 1938. (Item 01538)
Manship, Paul bronze Sculpture
Bas relief plaque with a left profile of Theodore Roosevelt - circa 1900 (Item 01844)
Sander, G.M. bronze Sculpture
Edward H. Harriman Memorial Award Medal, CA. 1914 - Awarded to Atlantic Coastline Railroad Company/ Group A Railroads (see item 1979b to view the reve...
Fraser, James Earle bronze Sculpture
Edward H. Harriman Memorial Award Medal, CA. 1914 - Awarded to Atlantic Coastline Railroad Company/ Group A Railroads (see item 1979 to view the rever...
Fraser, James Earle bronze Sculpture
"The Leaf" - 1918 (see item 6162_2 to view the opposite side of the statue) (Item 6162)
Frishmuth, Harriet W. bronze Sculpture
"The Leaf" - 1918 (see item 6162 to view the opposite side of the statue) (Item 6162_2)
Frishmuth, Harriet W. bronze Sculpture
Woodrow Wilson: Morgan U. S. Mint Medal Galvano. George T. Morgan was the engraver who designed the Woodrow Wilson presidential medal issued by the U....
Wilson, Woodrow bronze Sculpture
Statue image of Uncle Scrooge sitting on his chest with an arm full of coins - undated (Item 3607)
Disney Studios cold cast statue Sculpture
Statue image of Uncle Scrooge sitting on his chest with an arm full of coins - undated (see 3607 to view the front side of the statue) (Item 3607b)
Disney Studios cold cast statue Sculpture
Crypt Keeper statue (Item 00891)
Bowen, Randy cold cast statue Sculpture
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