Crumb, Robert
Related Items
Item | Medium |
s123 Note to Marty Pahls Saint Valentine's Day, 1961 - bullet holes image (last page) (Item s123_2) |
letter |
2370 Boingy Baxter and Forky O'Donnell comic strips - page 18 (Item 2370) |
interior comic art |
s146 Original comic art for Zap Comix #0, "Kosmic Kapers" (Apex Novelties, 1968) (reverse side of s146_2) (Item s146) |
interior comic art |
s246 "Harlem Sketchbook" illustration art, published in Help! #22 (Warren, 1965) (Item s246) |
interior comic art |
s216 Title page for You're So Silly - 1964 (see s216 through s216_6 to view other images from You're So Silly) (Item s216_2) |
ink and watercolor |
s177 Almanac #20 July 1, 1959: first page of 20-page "Animal Town Comics" story (see s177 through s177_7 to view other images from Almanac #20) (Item s1... |
ink and pencil |
s217 Original greeting card illustration (undated, 1960s) The line art has been rendered on an acetate overlay, with the colors provided on a strathmore... |
ink and markers |
01308 "It's Here!" - may be ad art for Head Comix as the background is similar to it - dated 1968 Displayed at the "No Joke: The Spirit of American Comic... |
ink and markers |
s041 Inside back cover art to Note Nov. 27, 1959 (Item s041) |
ink |
s063 Back cover to Note May 28, 1960 (see s063 to view first page of letter) (Item s063_2) |
ink |
s068 Inside pages of Note July 22, 1959 - interesting image of Theodore Roosevelt as a cat and an "ink blot test" that resulted from "bleed" from image ... |
ink |
s070 Back cover to Note Oct. 22, 1959 (Item s070_2) |
ink |
s073 Inside pages of Note July 9, 1959 - caricature of Robert Crumb walking with a stack of newly purchased records (see s073 to view first page of lett... |
ink |
s076 cityscape - dated 1964 (Item s076) |
ink |
s086 "The Admirer" (Item s086) |
ink |
s094 "E. Plurbice Yoonum" (reverse side of s094) (Item s094_2) |
ink |
s096 "achoo!" (reverse side of s096) (Item s096_2) |
ink |
s101 Toy train with bird passengers (reverse side of s101_2) (Item s101) |
ink |
s101 Overweight nude woman breaks a train engine (reverse side of s101) (Item s101_2) |
ink |
s103 "Henny" (reverse side of s103) (Item s103_2) |
ink |